Monday, February 25, 2013

Choice topic: The Power fo Music

Music has a very strong affect on everyone no matter what types, or how loud their music is. Music has been around for thousands of years and has had some tie to everything that has happened in history, whether the music inspired someone to do something, of that the music was inspired by someone who did something spectacular it was once said "Music can change the world because it can change people"-Bono. With music in almost every aspect of life today it is impossible to argue with those wise words, the music of today is affecting everything about tomorrow.

The greatest thing about music is it can be tailored for any situation, life or death, happy or sad, no matter the situation there is some music fitting. Music that has been tailored for a specific aspect of life can be the best thing to happen "All good music resembles something. Good music stirs by its mysterious resemblance to the objects and feelings which motivated it"-Jean Coceau. If Jean is correct that means composers write their music as a "vessel" so to speak that represents an object or a trial that he or she has gone through. If a composer does write music like this then a listener, that is dealing with the same type of trial then that specific listener will have a connection to that music or perhaps that composer.

One of the most amazing powers that music posses is that it can say what words simply do not have to power to explain "If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music"-Gustav Mahler. Music contains a power that no one person can fully understand, the power of relaying a message through the notes of a song.

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